Accumulate Monday
Accumulate 5 minutes EACH SIDE in a lunge hold
Everytime you break complete
50m Run
10 Ground to Overhead
Day 2
6 sets Alternating
2 Back Squats
sub-maximal set of pushups
EMOM for 24 minutes
1: Pullups
2: Box Jumps
3: Rest
4: TTB
5: 10m Shuttle Sprint
6: Rest
Day 3
Not for time, complete:
30 Strict Pullups
30 Double KB Deadlifts
100 Lunges
Break up however you want to accumulate 160 reps
3 Rounds
50 DU
10 Power Cleans
50 DU
10 Push Press
Day 4
Tabata Circuit - 12 minutes
Ring Rows
Incline DB Bench Press
Barbell Bent Over Row
4 Rounds, each for time
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
1:1 to 1:2 work to rest ratio between rounds