Week of November 19, 2024

Work up to a heavy complex then complete sets there

Every 1 minute for 8 minutes
1 Clean + 1 FS + 1 Jerk

20min AMRAP
15 cal bike
30 DU
15 Pushups
30 Walking DB Lunges
16 alt DB Snatches

Min 1: 5 Strict Press
Min 2: 5 Pullups

5 Rounds
100ft Heavy Farmer KB Carry
18 Box Jumps
100ft OH KB Carry
18 Ball Slams

Work up to a max Deadlift

Every 3 minutes for 6 sets in a 90s window
200m Row
Max set of Front Squats in remaining time

7 sets of 3 reps
Heavy Push Jerks

In a team of 3, complete a 20 min AMRAP of the following, with 2 athletes working at a time:
400m Run together
60 DB Bench Press (total)
60 Wall Balls