Week of March 17, 2024

5 sets
8 Deadlifts (work up to a heavy set of 8)

4 Rounds
Hang Power Clean
Back Squat
Cash Out: Once 21-15-9 are complete, do 30 Pushups

15-12-9 not for time
Strict Pullup
Barbell Bent Over Row

Coach/Athlete choice of 4 movements, 4 minutes each (8 rounds each).
Must complete all 8 rounds of the movement and then move onto the next one.

Strength Circuit in the Pit
3 Sets
Back Attack


4 sets
6 Heavy DB Bench Press

AMRAP 11 min
100ft Slam Ball Carry with 30# Ball
11 Ball Slams
1 min Plank

Bike Calorie Intervals - every 4 minutes for 12 minutes
22 Calories

5 Sets within a 3 minute window
10 Calories Biked
30 Double Unders
10 Thrusters 55#
Remaining time complete as many Kettlebell Swings as possible
Rest 2 minutes