Olympic Lifts
6 Sets - Every 2 Minutes
3 Hang Snatches from the knee (progressing down from the Hip)
Work up to a working weight and start the EMOM there. Goal should be for the weight to feel heavy while light enough to work on technique.
Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds
Min 1: Wall Balls
Min 2: SDHP
Min 3: Box Jumps
Min 4: Push Press
Min 5: Row Calories
Deadlift Progression
Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes
6 Deadlifts
150 Wall Balls for time
Bench Press Progression
Every 90s for 9 Sets
3 Bench Press @ 70%
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pullups
Partner Workout
For Time
20 Push Press 75#
40 Front Squats 75#
60 Calories
80 KB Swings 35#
60 Calories
40 Front Squats
20 Push Press