5x3 Back Squat
*Use the same or slightly more than what you used last week for the 5x3
Alternate with
12 total KB Pull Through
For time: 14 min Time Cap
50 Jumping Squats
400m Run
30 TTB or V-Ups
20 Pike Pushups
100m Farmer Carry 35#
*in remaining time, max Pullups
4x8 Deadlifts
*Use the same or slightly more than what you used last week for the 4x8
Go every ~2 minutes
Not for Time
4 Rounds
100ft OH KB Carry
100ft Farmer Carry
30 Weighted Lunges
15 Good Mornings
5x3 Strict Press *increase from last week, even using the small kg change plates for an increase in weight
Alternate with
12-15 Band Pull Aparts
Wall Balls
Cal Bike
Abs - Coaches Choice